High Strangeness in Bisbee, AZ

So I started looking through the pics and videos I took while location scouting for SEED out in Arizona last week and thought I’d share this clip. Right after the cave and missile silo adventures (I posted last week), my next destination was Tombstone (briefly), then off to Bisbee.

I had already written (back in 2009-2010) about some strange events happening to my main character in Bisbee, AZ in one of the early episodes of SEED, but it was all based on seeing an aerial view of a rock quarry on Google Earth there. I finally went out to that area for myself back in July, but I did so at night (from Tombstone) as my character would be driving those same roads at night and I wanted to experience what Zak would be experiencing. But I also had to get back to Tucson that same night, so I didn’t stay too long. The few minutes I did spend there were just enough to know that I NEEDED to go back. And that I did last week – on New Year’s Eve in fact.

Like last time, I got there late in the day. I met a few people in a parking lot while asking for directions to a place I intended to check out the next day. They began to fill my ears with some pretty wild stories. Turns out… Bisbee is one seriously crazy, wild – and quite HAUNTED – place (or so the locals say). Well, this one woman had a golf cart and offered to take me on “a tour” of some of the sites. Even though I hadn’t planned on staying for long that night, I figured, since I was location scouting and researching for SEED anyway, why not?

This clip is just a few minutes out of about an hour’s worth of similar stops. But this one caught my attention and just opened up a whole world of interesting story lines for SEED I never would have thought of before.

If you are an aspiring writer looking for some helpful tips, let me share one I’ve learned in my journey – There is TREMENDOUS value of doing LOTS of research before writing something. But physically standing in the locations you are writing about in your story can make a world of difference over and above just looking stuff up. And you never know what gems you may pick up along the way.

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