Planning on reshooting the SEED Trailer as live action

We made the original SEED Trailer back in 2010. It was done as a “concept animation” at the time because we did not have the budget to shoot it as live action. Well, all of that is about to change! We just bought a 3D HD camera and are planning to redo the Trailer as live action. The idea to …


Fleshing out the SEED characters for the Graphic Novel

We’ve been trying to get the Graphic Novel Series off the ground for a while now. Unfortunately, we’ve had several setbacks, which have prevented us from moving forward as fast as I had hoped. So, I decided to tackle the project myself. The idea for the comic book/graphic novel started almost two years ago. While I do have the artistic …

New Music For SEED!

It always amazes me the contacts that come into my life. I don’t yet have permission to reveal this person’s name, but an award-winning film composer, founding member and drummer from a heavy metal rock band I used to listen to all the time back in the ’90’s recently contacted me and expressed his interest in SEED. I was floored! …


Azazel Gets A Makeover

Once we realized we had the ability to do a live action shoot of the SEED Trailer, the first potential obstacle was the Azazel creature. Shooting live action sequences is easy. Creating a 3D character that looks photo-realistic enough to integrate with the live action is another. So, I upgraded some of my software and took another stab at Azazel. …

Behind the concepts of SEED

The following playlist is of the first presentation I did on the SEED project at our new office, a few months after leaving my fulltime job (April 1, 2010) to pursue this path…