Preparing to host a SEED music competition

As I start working on the Audio Drama again, I think I’m going to host another competition for SEED. This time for music. If you want to get a head-start in terms of preparing for it, this is the kind of music I’m looking for:
Favorite tracks in the above Playlist are:
01 Five Years:
04 Setting Up the Lair (could listen to this one all day)
07 Vigilante Justice
18 Friends in Arms

I love all of the soundtracks in that Playlist, but the above four tracks really get me excited. In short, this is the TYPE of music I will be needing for SEED. Blake Neely is for TV what Hans Zimmer is for movies in my opinion and both create the same TYPE of music I love: heavy percussion, with powerful, driving strings and complimenting, mood setting horns. So, if you are a talented music composer and are up for the challenge, stay tuned for more news on the upcoming competition. In the meantime, spend time listening to this Playlist and familiarize yourself with this style of music if you are not already.

In the meantime, if you currently have some samples of this same type of music that you’d like to send me for consideration before the competition, you can send them to Be sure to write: MUSIC for SEED in the subject line. Although I may not have the time to respond to your e-mail, I will definitely take a listen.

– Rob

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