HELP WANTED! 3D Animator

OK. I’m finally in a position to start looking for potential paid help. I debated about what sort of position to fill first and have decided I am in the most need of a highly skilled 3D modeler and animator. What do I mean by highly skilled and what sort of animation am I looking for here? Take a look …

Preparing to host a SEED music competition

As I start working on the Audio Drama again, I think I’m going to host another competition for SEED. This time for music. If you want to get a head-start in terms of preparing for it, this is the kind of music I’m looking for:     Favorite tracks in the above Playlist are:   01 Five Years:   04 …


Making Contacts

As many of you know, we produced a Prologue and 2 Episodes worth of the SEED Audio Drama a few months ago. Once burned to CD, that gave me a powerful tool to begin shopping around for more support. Well, long story short, I just got back from what appears to have been a very successful trip to LA. While …