Preparing to host a SEED music competition

As I start working on the Audio Drama again, I think I’m going to host another competition for SEED. This time for music. If you want to get a head-start in terms of preparing for it, this is the kind of music I’m looking for:     Favorite tracks in the above Playlist are:   01 Five Years:   04 …

Getting started on the Audio Drama again!

Just finished laying out the rough draft timing for Episode 1 of the all new SEED Audio Drama. Excited to be working on this again. Next up: laying down the narration by Rick Hummer. ???? Still in need of three Japanese speaking male actors though. We will be holding casting calls soon. Stay tuned for more on that. In the meantime, I …


Finally got to meet Rick Hummer in person

I finally got to meet and hang out with my SEED narrator and good friend, the multi-talented Rick Hummer tonight in person! We have of course spent a LOT of time chatting by phone and working together on-line this past year (as we worked on the SEED Audio Drama), but we have never actually met until now. He came down …

Check out the first episodes of the SEED Audio Drama!

There are many ways you can get involved with SEED the series. One of those ways is as a voice actor in our SEED Audio Drama series. What is that all about? Well, before movies and television, there was radio. Perhaps your parents or grandparents grew up listening to the old Flash Gordon, Lone Ranger or Mystery Theater radio dramas. Believe it or not, that sort …


Homemade Sound Booths

We had a really awesome recording session today with the “Agartha Team” working on Episode 1 of the SEED Audio Drama! Won’t be too much longer before the first one will be ready for scoring and sound FX. Thankfully, my homemade sound booths work worked very well. I made them out of those folding clothing bins you can get at …

Casting nearly complete!

We’ve cast nearly all of our principle actors. We are now in production on the first episode of the SEED Audio Drama! Stay tuned for more on that. In the meantime, you can still submit for any of the remaining characters by going to the Casting Call Page. Please follow and like us:

Working with Rick Hummer is always a blast!

We had way too much fun recording audio with Rick Hummer for the SEED Audio Drama this weekend. Rick will not only be our series narrator, but he will also be playing several parts in the cast, to include SFC. Danny “Dino” Pierce and MSGT. Allen “Big Al” Calhoun. Rick pulls out the stops at about 1:30 in this video …


Another Dallas-based Audio Drama

I was just told about Night Vale by someone who auditioned for SEED today. It’s another Dallas-based audio drama currently in production. The SEED audio drama will be similar, but have a lot more actors and action. Still, this is pretty cool. I’m listening to the Pilot episode right now. Intriguing: Please follow and like us:

First Audio Drama Casting Call

There are many ways you can get involved with SEED the series. One of those ways is as a voice talent actor in our SEED Audio Drama series. ATTENTION! We will be holding an open casting call March 19-21, 23, 24-28 & 30th (2014) Scroll down for scheduling details Notice to Casting Agencies: We are still in the developmental stage of this project. At …


Our new SEED office is finally set up!

First, allow me to take a moment to thank those of you who have supported us over the past 3 years. You believed in us when we had next to nothing to show for it. That faithful support enabled us to accomplish much in a short period of time. Now, we are ready to finally take it all to the next level. …