
Finally got to meet Rick Hummer in person

I finally got to meet and hang out with my SEED narrator and good friend, the multi-talented Rick Hummer tonight in person!

We have of course spent a LOT of time chatting by phone and working together on-line this past year (as we worked on the SEED Audio Drama), but we have never actually met until now. He came down to Texas to work a Monster Truck show about 3 hours south of where I live. It was fun hanging out and seeing LOTS of triple digits together. I’m not kidding. All night long, we were seeing 111, 222, 333, 444, 777, 1111, 1212 – all over the place: clocks, videos, road signs, odometer readings – over and over again. It was pretty crazy. When I got home my odometer was 333.4.

I took this pic of it and my iPhone said it was number 77 of 77. I’m thinking YHWH is trying to tell him to move down here! 🙂

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