Getting started on the Audio Drama again!

Just finished laying out the rough draft timing for Episode 1 of the all new SEED Audio Drama. Excited to be working on this again. Next up: laying down the narration by Rick Hummer. ???? Still in need of three Japanese speaking male actors though.

We will be holding casting calls soon. Stay tuned for more on that. In the meantime, I have an idea that may help standardize all audio recordings (to save LOTS of time in post-production), so that everyone sounds the same without having to make adjustments. This idea will also make it possible for people to audition and record their lines (if they are cast) all from home, without having to come to my studio. I’m going to have everyone use the microphone you see pictured right. You can get it at Target or through Amazon (or probably in most stores where headset mics are sold) for under $15. It is NOT necessary for the audition, but would certainly go a long way toward gaining you a few points in our consideration. And anyone who gets cast will be reimbursed for their purchase.

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